& College Newspaper Get Behind SEG

Webmaster/ February 28, 2012/ Campus Champions of Change Challenge/ 0 comments

The front page of Grinnell College’s website is currently urging students, parents, prospective students, and alumni to help SEG win the Campus Champions of Change Challenge! SEG’s Local Loans Project, selected for the competition, works to combat poverty in the Grinnell community through emergency, no-interest microloans to pay for things like medical expenses, automobile repairs, education, and repayment of high-interest

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SEG Alumnus Featured For Work With CPC Partner Organization

Webmaster/ November 19, 2011/ International Loans/ 0 comments

Former group member Jamie Zwiebel initiated SEG’s first ever direct international partnership with Centro Promocional Christiano (CPC). After graduating from Grinnell, she continued her work while getting her Masters degree and the Scarlet & Black took notice! “Ultimately, I ended up helping them get funding to build a medical clinic and have helped facilitate several other projects, especially a women’s

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Scarlet & Black Staff Editorial Gets Behind SEG

Webmaster/ October 2, 2009/ International Loans/ 0 comments

Having just achieved nonprofit status, Grinnell College’s Scarlet & Black newspaper wrote in support of SEG. This is an incredible accomplishment, considering the fact that SEG came from such humble beginnings—a student’s Wells Fargo bank account. SEG grew in numbers, in terms of both student involvement and money, and in two short years gained status as an international NGO. Not

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